Dear Friends,

God has given me a vision to, one day, reach a million radio listeners every week with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

During the Eighteenth Century, John Wesley preached the good news of Jesus Christ in a clear-cut manner that had no hint of manipulation.  He clearly emphasized the wondrous free grace of God that redeems and sanctifies all who will place their absolute trust in Jesus Christ.  And it's my desire to consistently proclaim that same message, because I am convinced that many will hear with complete intellectual honesty and be saved.

The goal of the Come & See radio program is to bring people to saving faith, not through guilt or fear, but through understanding with a deep sense of gratitude what God does for us in Jesus Christ.

When a person has such an appreciation for God's love it will result in faith, trust, and obedience to Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will transform that person into the very image of the Son.  Experiencing this brings joy, peace, hope and meaning to our lives, and gives eternal significance to every breath that we breathe in Christ.

It is God's will for every sinner to be forgiven and reconciled to Himself in order to have the benefit of eternal fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

In Romans 10:17 the apostle Paul speaks what I believe to be the absolute truth: Faith comes through hearing the Word of God.  And so, that is the purpose and goal of this radio ministry -- that you have faith by hearing the truth of the Word of God.  And I invite you to become one of those who will Come & See.

May God bless you and yours,

Thomas Q


Something To Consider

The greatest witness the Church of Jesus Christ should have in its culture would be in arena of morality and spirituality.  We are living in a society where there is so much ambivalence and confusion. It’s truly a morass of sexual and economic confusion, spiritual and religious perplexity and political and social bewilderment.   The Church has been given a vast team of believers to share their faith and tell of what Jesus Christ has done for them.  How are you fitting into God’s plan for the Church to witness to its culture?  -Thomas Q.